Wednesday, August 24, 2022

 Evil Google News

Now you can keep track of all their evil in one place. 

It stuns me though it doesn't surprise me  how deeply they have been ingrained in the K -12 government institutions. From all the children getting Chromebook laptops to making google search the de facto search engine. Hard  OK not that hard to believe how biased google search results are, so the kids at school aren't even exposed to any idea or  information that the progressives don't agree with. When they get home are they exposed to the left-wing propaganda on their television even if its just background noise.

1 comment:

  1. If the father of the 7 year old with myocarditis....if can ANY parent of a child destroyed by the poison jab....wants justice they are going to have to saddle up, lock and load and dispense justice themselves. Because the corrupt criminals in power are NOT going to do a damn thing about it.


A Clusterfuck, who could have predicted that.

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