Friday, September 1, 2023

Been happining for a while now.

Why is the IRS Buying .40-Caliber Submachine Guns? 

 he IRS has been steppng up its purchases of guns and ammunition even more over the last two years, gobbling up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. That bulk purchase prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition. Of course, this bill was dead on arrival because the Uniparty in Washington, which includes all Democrats and a solid majority of Republicans, are all for a militarized federal government. They hate Americans and do not represent Americans. They are globalists whose allegiance is to the military-industrial-biosecurity complex.

The IRS is not alone in this militarization.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also purchased hundreds of .40-caliber submachine guns, presumably for making raids on independent food producers. They have a special hatred for the Amish (See Food Supply Attack: U.S. Government Raided and Shut Down Golden Valley Farms, an Independent Meat Producer)

The USDA raided the Fisher family’s farm in Farmville, Virginia, and seized their livestock and meat-processing facility as the state condemned and seized their property. They are Amish.

The Small Business Administration has also made bulk purchases of guns and ammo. Health and Human Services has done the same.



  1. All these heavily armed Fed agencies are intended to be the army the criminals I'm power use against us. Posse Comitatus makes the actual military problematic. This isn't complicated. Evil, but not difficult to figure out.

  2. It is not hard to fathom the reasons for buying a gun. There has been over a million guns a month sold in America for about 12 years. Are thesr people buying more deer and elk tags? Showing up at gun clubs and punching holes in paper? Hey, if you know of a good place to go plinking in the woods, please share.

    No, the reason for the .40's is the same for all the rest sold, they plan on needing to shoot someone, and soon!


A Clusterfuck, who could have predicted that.

New York’s Ammunition Background Check System: An Expensive Wreck?   The database requires detailed personal information about the purchase...