Friday, October 7, 2022

Hochul has no idea, she needs to go.

Federal Judge Finds Key Parts of New Yorks Gun Law Unconstitutional

 “Simply stated, instead of moving toward becoming a shall-issue jurisdiction, New York State has further entrenched itself as a shall-not-issue jurisdiction,” wrote the judge.


Gov. Kathy Hochul, who has made strengthening gun laws a campaign issue heading into a November election against GOP Rep. Lee Zeldin, called it “deeply disappointing that the Judge wants to limit my ability to keep New Yorkers safe and to prevent more senseless gun violence.”

“The Concealed Carry Improvement Act was carefully crafted to put in place common-sense restrictions around concealed carry permits,” she said in a statement.


  1. Hochul is a committed commie....she knows EXACTLY what she is doing.

  2. People have to speak up. Stop letting others do the talking.


A Clusterfuck, who could have predicted that.

New York’s Ammunition Background Check System: An Expensive Wreck?   The database requires detailed personal information about the purchase...