Friday, September 1, 2023

Combo Party and Skeet shoot.

NY police use drones to monitor backyard parties, spurring privacy concerns 

  Those attending outdoor parties or barbecues in New York City this weekend may notice an uninvited guest looming over their festivities: a police surveillance drone.

The New York City police department plans to pilot the unmanned aircrafts in response to complaints about large gatherings, including private events, over Labor Day weekend, officials announced Thursday.

“If a caller states there’s a large crowd, a large party in a backyard, we’re going to be utilizing our assets to go up and go check on the party,” Kaz Daughtry, the assistant NYPD Commissioner, said at a press conference.

1 comment:

  1. Drones will only be flown in White neighborhoods as it would be racist anywhere else.


A Clusterfuck, who could have predicted that.

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